Enter the world’s largest job site and it’s beautifully simple new platform.
In a sentence, if your current job ain’t cutting it, get what you need on Indeed.
Need more money? Need less micro-management? Need more saturated fats in your office snacks? Need a boss who respects boundaries? Need Jill, from finance, to stop looking at your screen
and audibly sighing? Need less hot-desking? Need less fluorescent lighting? Need your cubicle mate to stop eating peanut butter sandwiches? Need a workplace that’s pro-bare feet?
Need an employer who hires and promotes people who aren’t white men?
Mic drop.
Flex on ‘em
If the above rapid-fire ideation didn’t convince you of
this platforms flex, maybe these contextual ones will.
To Cat & Bella, for taking the platform and creating the two spots above. And for navigating the MANY client discussions that came with bringing this to life. Juniors. They grow up so fast.