Ever heard of decision paralysis? Well, it’s an experience that a lot of Gen-Z travellers face. We’re constantly fed travel recs, tips & pics on every. Single. Platform. And, it’s overwhelming. Where should you go? Where do you even start?! (Yes, we’re Gen-Z. What? You’re shocked because we’re so experienced and articulate? Oh, shucks.) 

Now You’re Travelling is all about embracing spontaneity and discovering what YOU like. Not what someone else has told you to like.  We want KAYAK users to explore destinations that might not have been on their radar, to explore the unknown and most importantly - get outside their travel comfort zone.

We blended the physical and digital world to create an immersive, social first campaign - one that puts app functionality front and centre. We’re digital natives after all.  


Thanks to The Producers. And to the producers who produce at the producers. Noel and Georgia - your patience, organisation and calmness as we country hopped was so very appreciated. Cameron “no fun” March, it was an absolute pleasure bringing this to life alongside you. You were actually a lot of fun. And your attention to detail is unmatched. Stevie “ey” Tortosa, you might be the best person ever?  

And to team KAYAK, thank you for continuously pushing us to make the work better. Your knowledge, diligence and time really shows.  

©G&TGeorgia Payne & Tiger Hongmung2024